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Craigewan Photography Club V Ellon Photographic Group

John Marks

23rd October 2018


Tonight we had our annual match with Craigewan in Peterhead. Craigewan came out victorious by 15 points. Well done to Ron Macdonald, Bill Grant and Andy Leonard for our top 3 images. The top three Ellon images from the Criagewan match:

Terns by Andy Leonard

Trees in Mist by Bill Grant

Swimming in a Sea of Sand by Ron McDonald.

They scored 17, 18, 18 respectively (18 was the highest score he gave). The judge was particularly enthusiastic about Ron's picture - but wanting it cropped to remove the sea.

Swimming in a Sea of Sand - Ron McDonald

Thanks to Lenny Smith for judging the match and to Craigewan for hosting the match and the refreshments were excellent.

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